January Member of the Month – Gina Daniels!
Meet Fit Revolution’s January Member of the Month
21 Questions with Gina Daniels
Gina – January Member of the Month, reveals her New Years goals, what she loves about FR, and more.
We clearly remember meeting you for the first time last January when you came in determined to make a positive change for yourself. Damn, did you ever do it! What made you stick to your workout regimen and prioritize your health throughout 2017?
I’ve always struggled with my weight since I was 9 years old! I’ve been in the roller coaster ride of weight loss and gain! I’ve joined gyms and I’ve quit! I’ve never enjoyed working out and truthfully was never patient enough to stick it out and see results.
A dear friend of mine had kept telling me to join FR and cheering me on that I could do it! With her initial support I took the plunge and with her continued support I’m still here!
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
This is a really tough one to answer! There is no “one” person , I’m inspired by so many different people on a daily basis, from co-workers, friends, entrepreneurs, to FR instructors and members! Everyone plays a part in helping me be a better me.
Any mantra you repeat during an especially grueling workout?
Honestly yes, the movie Hawksaw Ridge truly gave me the strength to keep pushing when I want to quit.
I repeat “just one more” over and over to myself! If he could save all those lives I can get through my 45/60 min work out!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Still trying to figure this one out! I never want to just be any one thing. I love people and being social and helping others! I just want to be happy and healthy doing whatever it is I’m meant to be doing and that changes constantly which is why I continue to grow.
Which superpower would you like to have?
I only get to pick one? 🙂
I’d love to read people’s minds! Truly get inside someone’s head. I often wonder what makes people tick, what makes them cry, what gives them strength and what defeats them. Would be interesting as we are all affected differently and respond differently to circumstances in our lives.
What are you known for?
My lack I having a filter and “telling it like it is” and I can cook! 🙂
If you could live anywhere for one year where would you live?
NYC – love it! I visit once a year to a friend who lives there and even just to live there for a year would be amazing! It’s eclectic, energetic, exciting, and would love to just be able to walk everywhere and see the world.
What were you like in high school?
Ugh!! Self – conscious- always! Had lots of friends, but I was so uncomfortable in my own skin that I would always hide from going out with friends or meeting new ones!
Truth or dare?
Truth always
If you could be any age for one week, what age would you choose and why?
I’d go back to being 18 and would have never settled down at such a young age, I would have lived my life and experienced it young instead of later in life.
What are your favorite and least favorite words?
My daughter always says “I can’t”! This infuriates me! We can, we can! I tell her all the time! Favorite word is blessed. I truly believe every day I am #blessed.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Dishes left in the sink, clean your damn mess!
If you had a warning label on you, what would it be?
WARNING – is brutally honest! Don’t ask for advice or an opinion if you can’t handle the truth!
What’s one thing you will never do again?
I don’t know, so many things I’ve done and tried and never liked but have give them a second chance and loved them! This is a tough one!
If I had one more hour in the day, I would…
Spend it with my deceased grandmother!
What’s one thing about you someone wouldn’t know unless they really knew you?
I’ve had weight loss surgery and have battled my weight since I was 9 years old! I also have 13 year old boy/girl twins.
Do you have any new year’s goals in mind?
Yes, to be better than I was in 2017!
Work out harder, read more, take more time to enjoy the moment instead of always trying to plan tomorrow! Embrace those around me and circumstances that be! I choose to be happy and work hard!
How did you first find Fit Revolution?
Dina Gentile the FR warden!!! 🙂
How is FitRev different than other gyms you’ve tried?
I love that it’s small, I love taking classes! We’ve all joined the Planet Fit was types and just walked the treadmill thinking we worked out! Well I did! I never knew what I was doing, what I wanted to achieve or even where to begin! FitRev gives me a structured environment! I go I know what I’m there for what I need to do to accomplish it! The instructors are amazing and the members are so helpful and supportive! For the first time I’ve felt like I belonged in a gym! Thank you!
What’s your favorite FitRev memory?
Honestly the first day I walked in to sign up! Jenn gave me the tour, she was very welcoming and supportive and at that moment I felt like I could do this!
Could you share with us a favorite meal or recipe that we could share with the rest of the FitRev community?
Yes, my liquid dinner recipe is to die for, go to the store buy a bottle of Cabernet, pop the cork!
You earned it!!! 🙂