FitRev Roadies Beginner Pickleball Lessons with Coach Matt Tiberii
In July, FitRev Roadies headed out of the gym and met with pickleball and tennis coach Matt Tiberii at Meadowbrook Country Club to learn the fastest-growing sport in the US, pickleball!
What is Pickleball?
Pickleball is an up and coming popular paddle sport which combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It is played on a smaller court than tennis, using paddles to hit a plastic wiffle ball from one side of the middle net, to the other.
Basic Rules
- Serving: The ball must bounce once before hitting the opponent’s side.
- Scoring: Points are scored on every serve, regardless of who wins the point.
- The Kitchen: Players can’t step into the “kitchen” (the non-volley zone) to volley the ball before it bounces.
- Winning: Games are typically played to 11 points, but the winner must win by two points.
The Lessons
On back-to-back Thursdays, the FitRev Roadies went to the beautiful Memorial Park in Reading MA to learn how to play pickleball.. This was in a fun, no-pressure environment where participants learned the basic rules of the game as well as getting comfortable with their paddles. Coach Matt Tiberii continued the lesson with teaching positioning on the court, scoring points, and most importantly how to hit a DINK! A dink is a very effective move where the ball is hit low over the net to try and catch the opponent off guard. At the end of the lessons, all participants greatly improved their pickleball skills and had a great time learning and staying active!
FitRev Roadies Speciality
FitRev Roadies takes our love of fitness, fun and community beyond the walls of Fit Revolution. From kayaking to paddleboarding to pickleball…we’re doing it all! Fit Revolution members and non-members alike are welcome to join in on these monthly adventures. Stay tuned for more fun! We’re always planning our next adventure.