You may know him as Jeff, Smitty, Officer Smith or (our personal favorite) the soon-to-be Mr. Katie Celli, but this September we’re calling him FitRev’s Member of the Month. Votes for Jeff came piling in from all directions – most notably from several instructors who commented how often Jeff sticks around to help get the equipment put away after class. So this guy shows up, works incredibly hard (we witnessed ALL those doubles) and then cleans up? That’s husband material right there. Nice work, Katie!

As Jeff readies himself to walk down the aisle later this month, we sat him down for a little Q&A…
When you’re not at FitRev, where can we find you? When I’m not at work or the gym, you can usually find me outside doing something at the pool, boating and skiing.
If you could have one super power what would it be? If I could have a super power it would definitely be able to fly. One I hate traffic and two I could go anywhere.
If you could live anywhere, where would you live? I would want to live near water for as long as possible. Being a North Shore guy I grew up on the ocean and would never want to be away from it.
(^Wrong. The correct answer should have been “anywhere with my bride-to-be.” But, we’ll let it slide.)
If you could be any age, which age would you be? I would want to be 19 again. My sophomore year of college was a blast and I need to re-live it. Especially since a lot of it is foggy.
Starbucks or Dunkins? I am a rare person and even rarer cop that doesn’t drink coffee, so I could do without either one.
What’s your favorite FitRev memory? My favorite memory at FitRev would be the SWF fundraiser. It was great to see everyone come out for such a great cause. Just shows that this gym is more of a community than anything else.
Jeff, congrats on this honor, and we ALL wish you the best as you & Katie say “I do.”